
Showing posts from 2014

Last last post of this year. Bye 2014

Okay this should be the last and short entry instead. I called back because it have been awhile since i call back and also to release my sadness. I was quite boring and tried to find someone to chat with but everybody seems so busy they aint got time for me. Luckily my mum was free ah! Honestly, i have a serious financial problem. I cannot hold back my tears already when my mum question about it. Shame on me. Well there are always solution for that. Then, it was a long and fruitful call. I miss home. After the call, so i calm myself again by reading the bible. I am not in the mood to study the notes. The capsule for today would be LOVE! Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; Love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; Love does not keep a record of wrongs; Love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up and its faith, hope, and patience never fail. Love is eternal. [1 Corinthians 13]

Last post in 2014

Tomorrow's going to mark the last day of 2014. Have you prepare for the new year new resolution?      As for me, I just hope next year i can seriously get my square hat on time and leave without regrets. I want to be the next one to make my parents proud and pray hard to God to make them possible to witness for my accomplishment in degree. By that time, i hope every member of my family can be here with me. That's it! I wouldn't ask for more.  That is for next year but how about this year? How's 2014 treat me?       I would say thank you and glad that i can still be healthy. It was a roller coaster year. It fluctuates quite often but it manages to end with bright blue skies and fresh breeze. Sometimes accompanied by the rainbow. I managed to travel a lot this year. Been to Beijing, Krabi, and Singapore (two to three times). Well the expenditure gets too wild that I am actually very poor right now. HAHA. However, there is no use to sad over that as no matter ho


太多的事情在短短的时间里面发生 我其实都还没来得及反应 我还在停留在过去;人是在前进 可是灵魂上我不是 ×这时电台播着童话× 每一字每一句 都触碰到那个点 我好想离开 离开这些烦恼 很怕撑不下去 因为#正能量 的来源又少了一个 ×一首歌播完× 我很清楚 我应该怎么做 只是需要时间。


I still remember, months back during my internship, my colleague asked me: "You trust him so much meh? You dont know what he did over there also." Without hesitation,  I said "Of course i trust him. I know him very well." ... .. . But only yesterday i found out something that really tear my heart apart.


Today is a public holiday, Muslims friend celebrating first day of Raya. I choose to stay at home. Recently, there are so much heart broken incidents happened around us. The consecutive plane crashed, the wars..etc. The world is changing, the people is turning into beast. We are all lack of peace inside of us. It fades as we do not practice, it diminished as we do not act. So am i. The only way to nurture us with peace is through ones religion, through ones beliefs. We might have different way of praying, but i strongly believe we share the same intention. To do good, to have peace, to love and to live an eternal life. I had all this hover around this morning. I am definitely not a perfect one, not a good catholic. However, i did my effort to study, to know more about Him and this morning this came up in my mind: The Ten Commandments.  The essential to be a catholic. Read and remembered. Gained the inner peace when you read about Him. #1 I am the Lord your God: You s

What's on my mind right now.

Opps im here just because i'm having this pre-exam syndrome again. Im going to sit for my english paper on Wednesday afternoon but i got nothing much to study on it and feel so insecure. I scared i might wasting my time so i was trying to arrange my time to study for the leftover two paper which is counted as core subject so it's somehow much challenging compare to english. However, My heart just feeling not right and i got distracted every time im trying to focus. I cannot differentiate the priority again. I feel bad for not studying english but i really dont know what material to study again; if i study the other subject i will keep thinking that i should maybe study for english although it seems nothing much to do...GAH this is me. It happens all the time and it makes my mind like a spiderweb and indecisive. while typing here i still could not figure out what should i actually do...see i am wasting my time here T__T but but but... allow me..i need some path for me to fi

Hardworking to me.

Hi my lovely readers, how's life? I hope you guys doing just fine out there. Im here to share the thought in my mind at this moment. Here is the story: 1) It was the last week of this semester. My 6th semester here. 2) All assignments and tests came all at once. Feeling unbearable but surprisingly done all of it (at least up until now) 3) I got a test today and i studied very hard just for it. I give myself pavement on how to handle this one. I studied with a rhythm, a slow but efficient. I was feeling all good cause i make it on time and i even cleared my desk nicely before i went to bed the day before. 4) Whole day i was busying, presentation, take the indemnity letter from office, renew my license, 5etp meeting, internship briefing......but i didn't blame for busyness for today because i feel the confident. I am well prepared. 5)Tick tock tick tock. I face the "ghost"(test paper). I take the advice from my lecturer, dont scream and run away instead as

100 Doraemon Secret Gadget Expo

Mind me okay with my post like months back. Didnt get to post it due to some technical reason. And now only got solved. Anyway hope you enjoy read kay. x Hello! Im back for a proper post. Going to share with you guys about my awesome weekend last week! Literally had a one day trip down to KL for Doraemon Expo and also food hunt. We head there by using bus at 7.30 am and back at 8pm. Short but compact one and because i got an awesome companion hehe.  The early morning sunray warm on your face make you feels like it was a worth day to be happy and feeling much blessed:) and tadah this is my companion, my bodyguard of the day, my photographer and my tour guide.  Poofff (after 3 hours and after lunch) We are here! Crowded with people since it was saturday (not a wise choice to go cause it was so hard to take picture) Welcome us into the most famous time machine own by doraemon^^ the light will change and i feel so much back to childhood! I was a kid b


It was a remarkable day. A day i got extremely physically exhausted and mentally breakdown. I dont feel like to remember about it anymore. Im just glad everything work out fine in the end. Thank God. And today make me realise to handle with death is so much hard. (no death involve tho) When you saw a body, not moving....feet goes pale, same goes to the face.... Im weak. I got my leg goes like losing energy, barely afford my body weight... Shivering hand, heart beat increase, headache strike me... Ahhh even think of it make me feel nausea. ....... Ok. I will just end here. Bye bye.

Our Good Day

Come out with this (yeah after missing quite a long time) Our video (homework for english tho :p) and im the narrator :) My group mate settle with the video making (the pictures and music) A big round of applause to our group cause we done a good job!^^

My sense to instrument.

Back here after the massive spinning and dizzy from yesterday. Im now still in the stage of recovering. Today i would like to share with you all about my sense to music instrument. I would keep it short as i'm not so expert towards instruments.  I got this spike for this entry is because last few days, my friend share with me about the a cover in youtube which i actually saw it long time ago and kinda boo-ing my friend for being so outdated. HAHA. And inside the cover it involve some instrument and something catch my eyes  (from the left side of the youtube page, when songs still playing) .... . It's the cover of "APPLAUSE" by SamTsui.  "Applause" SamTsui cover Here is the link! Im totally amaze and fell in love with the violin. It just touch me to the bone and give me goosebumps. I have this impress towards violin when back to few years ago i visited my friend in KL who studying music and major in this violin and he played us th


Fogging. I hate fogging.  It makes me go dizzy. Not only i hate it cause it makes me uncomfortable.  One thing i concern is fogging means.... There is dengue fever being reported or the sickness is there. So people take precaution. So people please do a little help. Dont let any leftover water unattended. Pour the water. Dont make it the home for baby mosquitoes. 

The Lego Movie

Monday. Nothing special happen or to celebrate today but right after i had my nap in the afternoon, i face my  lappy, flashback the dream i had just now, then click..... rather than anything this pop out in my mind "I think i should get some movie tonight." ... .. . So, i asked my bf. HEHE I got two option, The Journey or The Lego Movie The Journey is a movie that more to touch your heart and it's quite a recommended movie  (according to the comment i heard~) And for this The Lego Movie, we had no clue but the trailer... (also comment from my coursemate that said its not bad) We think we should give it a go for The Lego Movie. ... .. . -The Lego Movie: THE END- Its highly recommended and its a challenging to be the audience for this movie that different from any other cartoons in term of the graphic and the movement of the character in which not as flexible as the typical cartoon (like the Frozen).


I just had starbucks last week. And now this scorching heat makes my heart go every beat missing my starbucks :'(  Something cold, something numb, something halt the thirst. 😱😱😱😱 i need you! 

My dinner

Something simple for today!!! Im very happy because like finally i have this chance to play with cooking again after back from chinese new year holiday:)  Buckle up and im ready for the upcoming days and nights hahah :D Seeya:) x

Happy chap goh meh and happy valentine's day

The chinese new year celebration which last for the past 15 days is about to bring to a halt. New year, new resolution, new goal...also a new chapter to unfold. For me, my new year was great one cause daddy was back here celebrate with us! Although he had to off on the 3rd day, im still grateful with everything in this new year. All my unluckyness was expect to go away when on the 4th day i fall down on the tar road because of my hyperactive beagle, i was "severely" injured in which make me could not go and outing with my friends. That moment was a funny and a pity one. (Still on the way of recovering) The 15th is here, the so called chap goh meh, and coincidently fall on the valentine's, its really something 2014! :) Im here wish the chinese happy chap goh meh and happy valentine's day! Win win situation here: let's play the firecrackers like there is no tomorrow and for the guys who trying to be romantic, you can save your budget this year cause you get to give


Tomorrow is the day. "Should i compare thee to a summer's day..."

Legoland (5th October 2013)

Oh dear reader, my apology for the really late update. I was not able to update for this while because I was busying with my academic stuff. Other than attending class, the test also seems to come all at once. Okay, nevermind. At least I'm here now, sitting on my study table, facing this laptop and all in my head is to share the story of my awesome month! Before this i had shared about my sister coming over to Johor to attend a wedding dinner right? (I suppose i had hehe) So, since she finally have time to escape from her workload for a little while, she asked me to join her to legoland! Yuhooo~ I have been wishing to be there for quite some time but hardly to find someone to accompany me and I'm glad that i grabbed this chance. From far, you can already see the lego building filling with variety of colors and your adrenaline goes to peak than ever and would slowly believe "Yes im here. Legoland!!" aren't those block beautiful? :) no matter where