
Showing posts from 2013

3rd year life.

Im here to rush out with this post in case you miss reading my story of life hahaha * perasan much huh but let me*!!!! Due to im going to have test tonight and tomorrow night, i could not find much time to share my story for last weekend which was a fruitful one. So,i need more time to filter the capture of moment and writing too. Hehe. Promise will update soon!! Please wait and be patience okay. x See....dealing with those test is so no life! I hope i could do for the best this year cause i really have to upgrade my result else gonna be troublesome.  Yesterday got emo cause of the upcoming paper....but i have somebody who care about me and his word  bring tonnes of banana (im minion haha) for me to move on and not just lying on my bed and doze off. Hehe.  Love capsule helps all the time hehe. Miaooo~ Okay okay i have to stop loitering here, much more to revise before the paper at night. Tata! With love, muah.


Start my Friday as usual with early morning lab!  Ahh those swollen face but nevermind 360 camera still the best! Hahaha today's lab is such a useless lab ever. Instrumentation lab and we have no idea what is the purpose of this experiment. Ugh they have to improve the experiment else student learn nothing but getting frustrated. One good thing is they rush us to finish the short report within the day so weekend no need to bother about it anymore. Yay. Weekend is all mine. Pretty much excited because sister coming over and got to see her is sort of pamper me. Feeling homed.  Asked her to bring my left over thing from home and some goodies! Nowadays can't miss out with camwhore stuff right. So, i offer my sis with this hehe~all so pretty pretty..thanks for the awesome apps. Muahh. And let them go by themselves to have their dinner but saw them in the middle when i went out with my boy. So since we are heading to the same destination, i asked my boy to lead them. Much more easie...


Beers.  Liquid like. Something we classified as alcohol. Something that doesn't taste sweet but bitter.  Something can make people get high. Something that people said can use to release stress.  Something people use to paralyse themselves from reality.  All of the above just come from what i know which might seems wrong in your view, really no offence.  I hate this alcohol thing.  I hate whenever heard people go and have drink.  I dont like it. Just purely dislike.  Okay the emo parts come in. Happened to be that my boy know how to drink, he know how to limit and everything. But no matter how, i will be in a very not good mood whenever he tell me that he will be going out drinking, he's drinking with his friend....i feel so terrible. I just cant pretend im okay with all this. Maybe is im too over react towards this. Saw that picture really seems like 酒鬼! And it's so disgusting. It seems like i dont know you already.  P/s: maybe im just too s...


Just trying to camwhore early morning before class #nofilter and found that my hair color is so much awkward at this moment! I swear i did not dye it to this level hahah. The last time i dyed is nearly half year ago with black color but i guess the black do not like much with my color so they get rinse away little by little when i wash my hair. The funny thing is it fades only the surface of my hair, the inside would still be pitch black. Well it's from what my sight hahah. I know it gives what kind of sign, my hair is unhealthy already. So, what i could do for now is just bear with it, waiting for it to slowly grow and when the time comes, i will CHOP it down. Hahah i make it sound so devilish. :p And just received another souvenirs from coursemate salwa this afternoon! Lucky me. After the tshirt by coursemates-boys from vietnam, now also from the same country but by different people. The feeling is just awesome, like a baby with to be teeth and they will starting to bite bite and...

Capsule of yesterday night.

Yesterday night was a nightmare. I didn't have enough sleep. And yesterday night capsule was "love your enemies"- Luke 6.27-36 so i don't feel like repeating the things happened last night. Just let it be and i should love my enemies like what He did. Do not judge others too. Who am i to judge on people. Just put myself all in  serving God, although im not doing much , i hope i can start with the reading of His story. Bible, one thing that meant a lot to me whenever feeling bad mood, happiness, emptiness.... And today got only one class. I brought a zombie like look to class. One hour and im done! Joined my coursemates for lunch! Eating clean food!  P/s: 穿上童鞋说的玻璃鞋上课去 希望有一天也可以穿出自己的童话 #cinderella


Tonight is the night i have been waiting for. Dating with my boy again! Yay yay~ going for dessert "堂兄妹”. We're using groupon again teehee~ worth it but wouldn't think of going again hehe cause nothing special lerr  I forgot the name of my dessert already but i know it's combination of durian and glutinous rice+ vanilla sauce. My comment: okay okay only.  And look who's back :) My baby boy <3 <3 xx  BUT he got an unhealthy habit! :( Okay technology wins! -.- I was like talk to me please talk to me....hahahha then he got put his phone aside and focus on me for awhile hehe And after that we went for 2nd round--> OCHADO  And before wrap up for today this is what hubby bought for me during his trip to penang last week! Okei i feel your love! Hehehe  P/s: can't wait for sunway lagoon trip with hubby next month! :)

First of October

Wake up in the morning as usual and dont know why i have the instinct to just brush teeth and wash my face instead of straight go and get my bath. Jeng jeng jeng jeng...when i done with it, i sit down in front my study table, pick up my phone and randomly feel like to check out my facebook. Owh i got 3 notifications! Quickly look out for it and see the status update in microprocessor facebook that our class has move earlier that is at 8.15am instead of 9am! I look at my clock which shown 8.10am and i was like luckily i saw it nao! At the full speed change my cloths and head to class. I made it 5 mins after the expected time but reached exactly the same time as lecturer. Lucky. Weird things that sometime ignites in my little though. Whenever i don't feel like hanging to much on technologies, it's when the time sometime urgent might happen. Just like this morning. I was trying to control myself on checking my facebook too frequent since last night but here comes the important new...

little feeling

Back to uni. "What is my feeling?" Facebook (wanted to update status but scare people keep teasing with it and didn't know how you feel, make you have to be sarcastic.) Instagram (can update and little more calmer but the person wouldn't get to see) and so i came here... blog. Recently, we did not do very well. Im such an idiot most of the time but still believe in love. Too much on feeling and make me cry so easily. Nowadays, technology has show me its power on controlling someone that i barely chatting with. It's way too heartbreaking. People may laugh im idiot but it would be even harder if i lose it. If he can be nicer and nicer then it would be better. May God bless us. Okay ignore that. Feel better to write some here. Off to bed. Good night people. Tomorrow gonna be the start of new year again for my study. 3rd year be good. x


僵僵。。。 四个月没有update 发生很多事情,可是就没想过原来可以在这里分享 因为忘了部落格的存在 呵呵~ 现在的我很想写写关于我的生活 BUT 不知道要从何说起。 又或许是错觉,可能不是想写写生活。。。 而是想用用电脑的键盘 娃哈哈~ (我知道不好笑) 竟然你都看了,那么就笑一个嘛!  对! 这样就对了! =____= 掰掰~

我想家 真的很想 我不想面对读书的压力,功课, 考试。。 我很想回家:'( 回到这里 只会涌起一股很不美好的事物 喜欢在家里的感觉 简简单单 有着家人的陪伴 在这里,谁都没有,我觉得好孤单啊! 呱呱T__T 和他也渐渐没话题~ 没有人可以陪我聊天 以前 现在 未来 似乎一点也没变 我还是一个人 就一个人......


我亲爱的部落格,你主人我还活着 只是太懒惰update!很不应该厚~ 现在放假了,闲着没事做,所以就想你了:)*我还算有点良心呗* 呵呵~ 新的一年,新的学期,我这次也越来越忙了。 看看时间表本来还很开心,因为课都排得还好,以为会轻松一点。 可是,事事难料~ 老师们都好残忍哦~排山倒海的功课,assignment。。可以说有时候忙到废寝忘食 *呱呱* 是谁说大学生活好过? 一点都不好啊! 现在,假期一个星期,他们都没有要放过我们的意思~ Assignment 还是照下! 以上是证据(一开课就要做好的) 地狱般的大学生生活,现在正式开战!我不可以向它低头!想打败我,没那么容易 哼~ #1 现在最害怕的科目是 emt 读得懂 不代表你可以考到好成绩; 要读得明白 才可以~~ 不简单呐 #2 很开心这个学期接触到了上lab!Digital lab~ 爱你哟  你完完全全比现在的 Electrotechnic lab 好很多 想你! #3 哒哒~也是有忙里偷闲的时候啊~ 童鞋的生日真好!我们真的好难得大家都到齐!*啾~* #4 到了星期五最期待的就是和爱人听歌去了~ 就这样简单,爽:) #5 最让我心痛的他~ 偏偏在老爸老妈回乡下才跌摩托~ 可怜的他,单单看着伤口我都觉得痛了,更何况是当事人:(  *我只能照顾他几天而已,因为忙课业所以就不能陪他,帮他包伤口* 快快好起来吧,亲爱的! 杂物完毕。