
Tonight is the night i have been waiting for. Dating with my boy again! Yay yay~ going for dessert "堂兄妹”. We're using groupon again teehee~ worth it but wouldn't think of going again hehe cause nothing special lerr 

I forgot the name of my dessert already but i know it's combination of durian and glutinous rice+ vanilla sauce. My comment: okay okay only. 
And look who's back :)
My baby boy <3 <3 xx
 BUT he got an unhealthy habit! :(
Okay technology wins! -.- I was like talk to me please talk to me....hahahha then he got put his phone aside and focus on me for awhile hehe
And after that we went for 2nd round--> OCHADO 
And before wrap up for today this is what hubby bought for me during his trip to penang last week! Okei i feel your love! Hehehe 

P/s: can't wait for sunway lagoon trip with hubby next month! :)


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