First of October

Wake up in the morning as usual and dont know why i have the instinct to just brush teeth and wash my face instead of straight go and get my bath. Jeng jeng jeng jeng...when i done with it, i sit down in front my study table, pick up my phone and randomly feel like to check out my facebook. Owh i got 3 notifications! Quickly look out for it and see the status update in microprocessor facebook that our class has move earlier that is at 8.15am instead of 9am! I look at my clock which shown 8.10am and i was like luckily i saw it nao! At the full speed change my cloths and head to class. I made it 5 mins after the expected time but reached exactly the same time as lecturer. Lucky. Weird things that sometime ignites in my little though. Whenever i don't feel like hanging to much on technologies, it's when the time sometime urgent might happen. Just like this morning. I was trying to control myself on checking my facebook too frequent since last night but here comes the important news pop up. Tell me what should i do. Hate and like between facebook. Meh.

Back to room and desperately need a bath hahah :D

Was trying to take a nap before afternoon class but roomate watch drama and didn't even consider to put on earphones instead. Argh this is so frustrating. I couldn't sleep if it's noisy. But what can i do, if im dare enough to ask her to use earphones! Urgh!!! Me no like it okay. Please have some heart and be care. 

Gonna have class. Bu-bye! 💛


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