
Just trying to camwhore early morning before class #nofilter and found that my hair color is so much awkward at this moment! I swear i did not dye it to this level hahah. The last time i dyed is nearly half year ago with black color but i guess the black do not like much with my color so they get rinse away little by little when i wash my hair. The funny thing is it fades only the surface of my hair, the inside would still be pitch black. Well it's from what my sight hahah. I know it gives what kind of sign, my hair is unhealthy already. So, what i could do for now is just bear with it, waiting for it to slowly grow and when the time comes, i will CHOP it down. Hahah i make it sound so devilish. :p

And just received another souvenirs from coursemate salwa this afternoon! Lucky me. After the tshirt by coursemates-boys from vietnam, now also from the same country but by different people. The feeling is just awesome, like a baby with to be teeth and they will starting to bite bite and bite to release the uncomfortableness. So i feel like grabbing somebody's hand and bite nao. Hahaha  *like what i always do to my boy* well, it's a process of growing of my teeth right! :D 
So,'s a chopsticks and a purse! Posted in insta and coincidently my friend have the exactly the same purse too! Hahaha ahh we're meant to be together lol it's way too dramatic -.- Anyway at first was really surprise cause i did not expect for this also. Receiving always make me feel so adrenaline rush, sugar rush, thank you so much for the people for letting me feel so much of blessing! In a nutshell, today i learnt to practice giving cause it can surely bring happiness and blessing to other people, erk of course in a right way! Hehe 

P/s : cha cha! Gotta have my ass back to study table cause tonight i will be having my first test for this semester. Finger crossed and may God bless me and other friends who sit for this paper! :) x


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