3rd year life.

Im here to rush out with this post in case you miss reading my story of life hahaha * perasan much huh but let me*!!!!
Due to im going to have test tonight and tomorrow night, i could not find much time to share my story for last weekend which was a fruitful one. So,i need more time to filter the capture of moment and writing too. Hehe. Promise will update soon!! Please wait and be patience okay. x
See....dealing with those test is so no life! I hope i could do for the best this year cause i really have to upgrade my result else gonna be troublesome. 
Yesterday got emo cause of the upcoming paper....but i have somebody who care about me and his word bring tonnes of banana (im minion haha) for me to move on and not just lying on my bed and doze off. Hehe. 
Love capsule helps all the time hehe.

Okay okay i have to stop loitering here, much more to revise before the paper at night. Tata! With love, muah.


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