Intercedes for others through praying

It's the second week of 2017. It has been a wonderful beginning for now. As you can see from the picture above, I bought myself the daily gospel (2017). I got this from the RCIA facilitator who happened to be in St Anne's church in Bukit Mertajam and he grab it for us because in Johor, you will never able to get the stock in, not even the Majodi in Plentong. Thank God for this. I kept my pace on spending my early morning before started work on this, from dioceseofmiri blog to this.

It was a very handy book with a complete set of important prayer and gospel with explanation plus quote. The size is just slightly bigger than my hand and light weight. Therefore, i really love it.

Before off too far away from the topic, I found the explanation or interpretation for each daily gospel helps me to have better sight on what it conveys and how much difference it is from my understanding. 

Every morning, i would pray first before i read, to allow God helps me when i read the gospel of the day. Reading gospel is like God talking to us directly. After the gospel i would reflect on it and try to understand basically what is He trying to tell us. Then, i would proceed with the explanation below. 

I was fascinated with gospel on the 13th January 2017. (Mk 2:1-12) It was about Jesus at Capernaum and due to the crowd, 4 guys who wanted to brought a paralysed man for healing is unable to make it through the crowd. But without giving up, the lay the man in front of Jesus from the rooftop instead. Jesus said, you sins are forgiven and man was healed. 

What we can get from the gospel is the importance of intercession and how it works. As a catholics, we have only one God. However, we also pray for Mother Mary to help us to intercede with God. From the act of the 4 man who brought the paralysed man in front of Jesus, it is precisely what intercession does. When we pray for the person, it was like we place him in front of Jesus. Also, how do we experiencing graces in our lives? It is because others pray for us. 

Jesus intercedes for us in heaven, while we intercede for others on earth. That is how much you can do for each others on earth. Humbly pray for peoples who needs love, who is in trouble, who is ill and who is happy to not forget about those who is mourning.

Don't you want to see them healed like the paralysed man who are able to get up and walk?

To pray, it might seems easier saying than act, anyhow, it's bette late than never, take it slowly and try your best to find time to pray just like the time you take out phone and scroll over facebook. I am still a beginner too, let's make ourself a better person. Dont forget to pray for me.



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