Capsule of yesterday night.

Yesterday night was a nightmare. I didn't have enough sleep. And yesterday night capsule was "love your enemies"- Luke 6.27-36 so i don't feel like repeating the things happened last night. Just let it be and i should love my enemies like what He did. Do not judge others too. Who am i to judge on people. Just put myself all in  serving God, although im not doing much , i hope i can start with the reading of His story. Bible, one thing that meant a lot to me whenever feeling bad mood, happiness, emptiness....

And today got only one class. I brought a zombie like look to class. One hour and im done! Joined my coursemates for lunch! Eating clean food! 

P/s: 穿上童鞋说的玻璃鞋上课去 希望有一天也可以穿出自己的童话 #cinderella


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