

finally back home after have the 5 days n 4 nite camp~ yuhu~

my bed~ feel so gud~ really have nice sleep yesterday~

hmm~ sleep bout 12 hour if i nt wrong~ haha~never sleep tat long for the camp~

really gonna miss the prefect camp ler~ love it~

for the first day really hard~tough~ make me wanna cry n give up~

coz i'm the food officer ler~

tat really nt an easy job~

tis is my first exprience to cook for 140 ppl every nite n morning~

for the camp i think i dun go many activity~

all skip it ler~~ coz wan to cook for the other ner~~

after lunch then have to think wat i'm gonna cook for them~

anyway really THX for my fren tat help me tat time~

they really really help me a lot~

i duno wat to say other than thx~

frenz~ if u need help find me yor~

i wont forget ur hao yi help me during the camp de~

oso for our camp com. they really done a good job~

~joanne terrence chin wei~


they really control themselves during the camp~

although smtime might burst~ hehe~

bt all ppl wil like tat de~ stress~

if juz put inside later nei shang ar~ nt good wor~

n for all the committee member~

oso done very well~ thx all yor~~

really wish to have it next time bt it wil b so hard gua~

wil b my sweet memory~ love all~ muakss~

n for all the prefects jia you for next year duty~

n SPM yar~ gambade~ never ever give up~


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