Reflect myself

Morning, Monday. Morning, guys.

The five weeks of Lent were wrapped. I am not sure how well I do for the past five weeks but I am pretty sure I did not do that well. Talking about fasting, praying, reading scriptures during these crucial five weeks for a Catholics, I have a milestones to go. Catholics, I declared myself as a Catholics but I have yet complete any of my "academic" with God. I just being told by my mother that i had already baptized when i was young, which could not stand strong on this days because what they want is a proof, the certificate. My certificate is i was baptized by Father Jacob back in my mother's village Long San on the 'pusau' celebration by the Kenyah's. Anyhow, i had decided to take that step (which need so much bravery. Just being me.) to approach someone who is in charged with it. Then, last two days, i received a hello from this girl through facebook messenger, and thank God because at least she did not totally forget about me. Hehe. She will talk to the coordinator regarding my case and trying to involve me in the incoming RCIA class during June. I hope it's a smooth sailing journey for me (I was told to be committed. ah ha, i shall sacrifice something there.). So, it was a good news for me before the Palm Sunday yesterday.

Now today is the Monday of the Holy Week. Following with Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

So much incoming celebration, i will be there whenever i could!

For this 23 years, this is the year where i felt i am more closer to God,
I took my effort to mark important date on my calender;
I try my best to read through the scriptures everyday before i started my work;
I try my best to jot down prayers;
I read the bible.

Well, I am expecting to become better because what i did was just a baby step.
I wrote it here, to be remembered. To mark down the journey.

Wish me luck.


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