
Showing posts from November, 2012


Before i kiss this mid semester holiday goodbye, i would like to post something about my mother(the wonder woman of mine). This is because i get back my ass off from home way much earlier than i should have and now after this fruitful weekend, the moment i step back to this small world of myself, i feel all the loneliness surround me. It's awful, uneasy...this just make me think of nobody else but God and mother. Mother(i don't use to call mother but mamy, dang, Brave influenced) the wonder mama of mine, never get to replace by anyone. This holiday i met mother in Marudi not at my home. She went to fetch me and my sister together with my big brother. I just feel so good to see my mother.  After back to grandmother house, had a lot of fun too but the most warm hearted was mother brought me go  walk walk around around grandmother house, to see the fruits, to go to the kolam(T_T in english is?) and blaaa~ skipped Now the scene is in Miri(back from Marudi) Mother busy cookin...

11.11.12 Morning session

阿嬷八十大寿就在这一天啦!呵呵~  当天早上与妹妹和两位堂姐达飞机到马鲁帝咯 *开心* 准备出发啦!好紧张~因为前几天飞机发生故障坠落,就在马鲁帝飞机场~ 可是拍照是一定要的~  坐这么多次飞机,终于可以坐这么小的飞机了,感觉会是如何呢? *期待*  好可爱哦~哈哈哈哈 飞机里面真的是好小好简朴,位置也有点极限~(如果我是飞机师) 从高空的视野果然特不一样,散散的云朵,绿绿的森林,一块块的油棕芭,一切都好渺小 我们安全到达马鲁帝啦!耶~堂姐和妹 哎呀,还没准备好》——《 与堂姐和小飞机的合照:)  榴莲树啊~有口福了哈哈哈哈哈 自恋照呵呵,送你我的吻 *那个你感觉到了吗*  亲爱的红毛丹快快熟吧! 再次回到小时候的感觉~大爱 热带雨林的水果 妈妈带路呵呵 我到此一游 哈哈 好多鱼~(照片里看不出因为水的颜色) 期待已久的合照-四代同堂(少了爸爸)同一个地点,同一个感觉,遗憾的是没到齐。无论如何,他们的笑容温暖了这个大家庭~我是幸福的!我们都是幸福的! 亲爱的阿嬷~ 家庭一 家庭二 家庭三 家庭四 家庭五 家庭六 家庭七 家庭八 家庭九 兄弟(就差了我老豆) 阿嬷与儿子和媳妇儿 我和阿嬷拍照咯~ 大家陆陆续续和阿嬷拍照:) . . . . to be continued with dinner session~:)

ten eleven twelve

Why art thou? "It's a creepy and scary night to remember back. Now i feel the play in drama. You felt so cold but you cannot warm up yourself, you have to fight for yourself. It's what people advice time over time, listened up with stories, at the end you go for it. You know you should not, stubbornly you proceed with it. Desire can turn out to be good or bad. This is bad enough in your whole life. You have to bring this together to the grave. Turn into ash also cannot demolish the spiritual live in you." Okay. I'm going back on this coincidently 10.11.12 How special is the date and something happening too today! Happy ten month. C: