deep sorrow.

It was totally a disappointment. After seeing the result of mine. It was so destructive. Seriously, i'm not strong anymore this time to hold on to this. I've loss everything in my mind and i don't know how should i tell my mum about i although i did mention to her. If want me to show it to her, that's hard. How can i get such result and expect my mum to considerate with me? Oh God, what kind of test you give me? I dont know how long i can stand it. I know it was all my fault for not hardworking. But this one would be first time in my life receive-ing this kind of result. Haih...I just feel like i dont's not hurts the most when people dont believe when i told them about my result..God give me strength.

I'm totally in the midst of whether to continue or not... :'((


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