Family Photo

It's been so long since we had taken the family photo until i nearly forget when is the last time. I think it's when I'm still a really little young girl! This photo I'd like to credit to Ah Kok uncle. Nice shoot! :) At 4.30am went to airport because my dad wanted to go working again. So early in the morning that although my dad holiday for about one month still didn't feel like the time is enough yet! How i wish he no need to work so far away and just back after one year. My little brother and sister came along and i need to send them to school. For this time i didn't cried and it's really kinda weird feeling. Don't know why! Little brother do cried when dad made phone call while we're heading to his school. Damn sad and pity him. Also, I can see that my mum will suddenly felt alone again. No husband beside her when there's troubles. All of us really had a sleepy look here because need to wake up damn early! The eyes still want to get some rest. Today already safely arrived at their working place. May God bless my daddy! Miss ya <3


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