Journey for the body, mind, soul

Just a quick one here. 
I am here to mark the journey to body, mind and soul. 

I started to do some jogging back at the end of August. I did not bound/restrict myself to jog every evening after work but i just did it promptly. 
I knew that i would not able to commit myself if i was to force myself to keep on track every single day. 
I learnt that to do exercise or more focus in keep fit, I have to start to love/enjoy what i am doing. Like what i did back two months ago.
However, to be more precise i barely jog but do some walk instead. It feels so good to be able to step out after one whole day of work. I escaped a lot but i pick myself up even on weekend morning.
And just 3 days back, i wanted to try something different. I have did jogging and skipping. 
So, might as well i jump back to my workout! 
However, the day i put this decision, i got caught in severe headache that i could not do anything but slept/rest earlier that day. The plan still on going the next day(thank God). As usual, i did the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred: Level 1. An intense 20 minutes workout. I pull through it (i almost gave up in the middle). It has been the most sweat i ever have after so long.
Then, just about yesterday i was introduced to this Nesh V5 健身操
I asked my bf to join me for this. You guys should go and try this because it was actually funny but the muscle sore even badly this morning. A chinese version of workout. Simple movement took around 5 minutes and you can do more round of it(i did thrice).
I did not thought i would sweat a lot tho. Anyway, gonna try out again for today to see how painful i would be on Saturday. 
Start you move now by choose something you can enjoy yourself first. First is hard but never is even harsh.

This is my journey of body, mind and soul.


* so share some interesting workout, preferable something fun and fresh.


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