Journey for the body, mind, soul
Just a quick one here. I am here to mark the journey to body, mind and soul. I started to do some jogging back at the end of August. I did not bound/restrict myself to jog every evening after work but i just did it promptly. I knew that i would not able to commit myself if i was to force myself to keep on track every single day. I learnt that to do exercise or more focus in keep fit, I have to start to love/enjoy what i am doing. Like what i did back two months ago. However, to be more precise i barely jog but do some walk instead. It feels so good to be able to step out after one whole day of work. I escaped a lot but i pick myself up even on weekend morning. And just 3 days back, i wanted to try something different. I have did jogging and skipping. So, might as well i jump back to my workout! However, the day i put this decision, i got caught in severe headache that i could not do anything but slept/rest earlier that day. The plan...