RCIA class | Psalm 139
It's time to move on. Today marked the 3rd session of my RCIA class. It was a wonderful sharing session. I learnt a lot. This is what i have been waiting for. Cecilia lead us today and she focus on FAITH. FAITH. She asked:"What is God to you?" Ha, tough one, I shared mine. God is everything. In my life, He never failed to put me into roller coaster ride. Like others mentioned in the class, God can give you, He can took it away too in split second. That is so true. But one thing i can be sure with now is my life change from never went to church to attend church during Sunday and now i am attending to RCIA class. Faith. As we know God creates the Universe. He first made the Sun, sky, day and night, plants, animals and the last one human being before wrap up on the seven day aka Sabbath Day. What we can relate here is God creates all through Word except for human being. What is the difference? We were made from the clay shaped like a human and with th...