Traffic jam in Malaysia

     It had been 4 months working in big city whereby I could never missed to caught in a mild jam during weekdays except Friday or when no severe accident happen (t&c apply). This is a routine and I'm getting myself used to it. Anyhow, I had encountered the limit in the body and mind.

I certainly could not accept those drivers who cut the queue during jam. The blood will run through my nerve to prepare the foot on either accelerate/brake pedal and energise into eagle eyes where estimation distance between the front car is almost, zero. Through this session, no mistakes is allowed.

     Okay, what i want to focus on is, some Malaysian drivers did not have mercy and patience during jam. They will take whatever it takes to cut queue, for example, when the road is narrowed into one, if the road is wide enough, they would not allow any space is wasted. "I fit perfectly there." This happen every time when im back from work. The longest jam occurred right at that spot. I always make sure myself follow the queue but those drivers who saw the long queue will accelerate passing through the long queue and squeeze into the queue in front. After feeling proud get into the line, always tends to rush for knocking the heaven/hell door,  cut and squeeze again. The consequences are:

i. the queue gets longer.
ii. the patience driver's gets impatience.
iii. caused unnecessary incident which cause more jam.

I felt pity for the drivers like me, waiting turns. This is so unfair that i seriously pray and asked God why is people like this should even existed in this world. Don't they feel shame? Dont they have any awareness about it?

I just hope something could be done.
Educated people who did not act like one.
Act of tolerance play an important role and everyone will live a peaceful life.
No anger mode is triggered.
Jam, can be cut down. Everyone waited equally. Fair and Square.

Drivers, this is just a small favour, stop rushing to knock on heaven/hell door. You might stumble and accidentally pushed someone who just happen to take a nice walk enjoying life.

Please, say NO to cut queue. Patience is a virtue.


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