Misanthropists heaven

What is in my mind? I just want to get my ass off from my room and go to somewhere that nobody knows me. Stay away from this society life. Just be by myself. Alone.

I was actually half way towards it already. (Oh no what am i talking about?)

Mum, i miss you. I'm on holiday and how i wish i could go and see you. I just want to talk to you but i can't reach you through phone. So i guess it's either you forgot to bring charger or being too busy with your thing and off your phone. (nah you would not do that, so it's no charger) How i wish you're here now hugging me! I want your hug. Your nagging, your love, your warm advice, your story telling....any will do mum:'(

I feel lonely. I feel so helpless. I feel useless. 
I remembered what you teach me. You said "stupid" is a very rude word. So i kept it in mind. 
Now i was being labelled as stupid by anonymous, i really feel sad, hurt...ya i cannot afford that. I did not beg to be so..you can say i'm useless, noob, anything but why must be stupid? But that's okay, why you need to post it? Where's my pride go?I got nothing left mum:( i need you mum...


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