Nerd Me :O

Aww my brothers and sisters of KML, everybody for sure start doing revision and everyday date with books or maybe you're so smart that you can just stick with your games and movies. Me, imma just talk about myself :D Being such a nerd recently or more specific totally a freak! This is so not Stacy man. I'm not a hardworking girl, stuck at room to study for all night long, rushing for all the homeworks, do not want to miss classes...I've changed. Like the transformer, in a blink. So, it's a good sign or opposite? How should i know?-_-''

The only thing i know is now i need to continue my nerd life. The reason to be is i'm not smart enough as others but i want to score! Therefore, i will proceed my dull life. life aint lame yet. I still keep myself update with the news: earthquake and tsunami in Japan and blahh. My radio, the best companion ever during studying and doing homeworks. Musics is all my life about. In add, i do listen to ghost story too :D midnight's always Awesome! So called the bed time story. haha i'm crazy wooo.....

Now, here comes the problem. I'M GETTING ROUNDER, mama i don't tells lie. I'm not only having only 3 meals per day but more than that! T_T Keep telling myself no way to gain weight. I tried to get more fibres. Still i cant stop my mouth from sweety stuff, junk food....I need to be discipline! That's my mission other than score for final. I need to throw my weight away. Wish the best luck ever in this universe yea :)

 Strike for final!!! and i'll say bye bye to this island:) Tataz<3


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