Say no to EMO

No more sad face. It's bad for health!

Say NO! 

What happened today is something that i HATE the most in my life but honestly you can't avoid it. Maybe i should take on what my sister told me. I'm just being overly sensitive and always magnifying things that actually small case. I knew it. I just can't believe it since we do experience so many stuff together and what i saw today do hurts me so deeply. So please bear in mind that people you know for months seriously can't fight with those you knew for years. I felt like want to CRY OUT LOUD. Gosh! Cringe...chill...i can't approach them or maybe i can but not as close like last time anymore, there always a GAP i guess so...

Practice this one in your life! It's not hard but depend on you yourself.

Therefore, Stacy please bear in mind that smile! With a smile it's delightful your day and forget about all the bad things. Smile to yourself and smile to others. It's a gift so use it wisely do not so stingy by just keep it. It will make you become more confident like what mummy asked me to do. Although you scared or nervous, act like you're not. hahahhahaha :)))) hope it's help mama...

No matter what happen life's still need to go on! :)

Don't forget to live! When you wake up it will be a brand new day and wash all the sadness. Look forward instead your BUTT (like mr. james said before) that make sense. What you going to do now is get your stuff done and don't too busybody on others people. Say cheese.....<3


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