My Trip to "Kay Kay" :) 1

26 Oct 2010
After finished my Physics paper 1, I went to KK along with my roomate for a roughly 5 days and 4 nights of my holidays at her house. Packed all my stuff. Had my lunch with my uncle then met with my roomate and her friends in front of the bank before get in the ferry :)

While waiting for my uncle, I just being desperately to camwhore again as I had put myself all with studies stuff for such a long time>.<

Allow me to say TAKE 2 chewww:D

just trying to act cute..booo...

Random island *i guess so* taken while i'm in the ferry.

This is how it look like on top! word i can shout out is HOT! The sun really don't want to considerate with us :(

New friend of my roomate and we just simply took picture together -.-

It's really burning my skin! but it won't stop me from camwhoring hehehhe

Yea, we arrived m'numbuk.

she: ok u should sleep up thr as i scared i'll fall down!
me: o....k...*tumpang ppl hse so t'paksa akur*

27 Oct 2010

As you can see...we going to have a REAL short trip with the new train. :P fyi it's my 1st time waaa...

I'm not ready yet. The photographer just being too fast.

come on let's open it! *naughty*

I want to get in this one but so sad i cant... :(

I just love this LOGO. North Borneo Railway.

RAIL.WAY stand for- rail the better, way to travel.

Next next next.....zoooooo

stacy 到此一游~

it's dry. until nao i just cant believe that i touch that snake! ><

Favorite! cute <3 miniature horse.

promo promo....


the craziest part. take a ride ;P

turn the world upside down~


fullstop for da day :)


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