Get the small fish caught take s picha with me yea!!! hoho X))
get about 10++ kg of fish if i'm not wrong...see how fresh they are~~
2 is heading the light toward me! and lil broxx peace2 hoho >.< now i can tell you that it's getting dark! *exciting*
bbq some experience la...see the fire it's turning purple everytime i took picha of it...mayb it's shame shame** haha @.@
model of the day! it's so hard to pursued him to be my model...haha...*happy mode*
Love this picha so much! Kokomas chocolate with the sandy..heart shaped <3 okie?! this is so's better to see the view at the back huhu =D
The sand is just so need skills to walk on it...or else u will bai ka like me the next day!!! :(
Miss the beach so much! the view is so nice and beautiful. peacy= peace+sea wootss :))


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