one day!

cough*cough* since my sister is coming back of course gonna be damn crazy addicted to take photo!!! wooo~ in just one day-same shirt-same ppl-bt take different kind of pic! :) so lets show some tat is available haha :D do enjoy to c it ba

Me and My sister do we look alike?
i dont think so! :)

in the putt putt!!! :D
dont get it wrong my sis not the driver
oppss =P

which shoes is nicer? or none?
wanna knw which one is mine...
of course tat one 保守 de lo!!! Haha

woot is she doing at da back!!!
xtuali it's me do tat 1st kaka =D

and at last it's my shadow lol!!!!
fat ppl do have a fat shadow =.=


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