everybody is writing their feeling after TesT....
so why not me?! haha...lolx...

当然, 首先考完试了感觉真好。 可是昨天的 biology really kill Me!!!!
一拿到考卷 是几吓倒以下的咯 cause all i dont know how to do....
first time feel like tis.... [HELPLESS]
十点开始考, 二十分钟后, i'm DONE!!!!
i dont have any idea to do it....
这次不 fail 也奇怪了 去年就是这样 fail 这下来

我已经对它越来越没信心了 还记得form 3 的时候看到 bio 对它满有好感的
it's sound really weird N funny~
but i still have to finish it until SPM over....不能半途而废嘛
就因为它的关系 i'm still wondering what am i going to study!!!!
没有方向的我.......haiz....whatever la....talk bout it will make me sad...

so lets change other topic then
考试过了, 可以睡大觉了!!!!
happy happy happy~
monday go for what stamina de....
tues got prefect choir practice [duno this time all ppl can attend o nt :(]
wed got concert rehearsel AGN
所以呢 不算是一个轻松的假期......
anyway i'm here wanna wish u guys a happy holiday lo....do enjoy urself after the streessing test o school....ready urself for the next challenge!!!! god bless yar~ :D


Bernard said…
yeah, really glad the torturing is finally over!! Hehe...Time to bed~ =)

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