
first day of 2009~
everybody welcome it wf a happy feeling....bt duno why....yesterday when i start to countdown....start wf....10...9...8...7....6...5....suddenly i stop n jz dun wan to count it down....bt time stil move till....5....4....3....2....1....n i hear so many sound outside....ppl playing fire cracker....owh....everyone jz so so happy to say out HAPPY NEW YEAR....so am i act like happy...nt tat i dun happy....i happy....jz tat i feel so nervous for the coming of tis year....seem so scary...i jz stil cant believe nw dy 2009.....agn i bcome old....form 5....last year in skul...b4 end of secondary life....facing my ren shen de SPM.....OMG....i really hope i can get gud result...sure wan to do better than my sister....bt damn hard de....wf nw de me...so ben...haiz....anyway beside study hard...of course i wil pray....hope tat god can bless me all the way for tis year...no matter wat...muz jiayou....okies....nw i wish all my fren n relatives...and to the whole world....happy 牛 year....may god bless all of us~^^


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