::The end of Choir Camp::

the last day of choir camp...wake up so early to go to skul coz nt yet ready for the talent show...so sleepy....and tired after the water games yesterday....talent show hv to sing...bt i duno the lyrics leh....aduh...shi ji mafan yi xia de lo....keep remember the lyrics...so hard ler....after tat start first activity....TREASURE HUNT....wan run here and thr...OMG....lei huai le....wan faint liao lur....xtuali we are the first group de...bt bcz of our 'cleverness'....we cant find the bao zhang...damn sad de...haizzz....the other group found it....arghhh....bt nvm la...tis is jz a game nia...

after tat take time to practice our talent show de songZz....also our yi xiao duan drama lur...haha...first time....so damn nervous de....me as the "conductor"....oh no....xia soi la....duno anythg bout music bt wan teach....lol...then when 'bi sai' forget the lyrics ar...aduh....lan tou ler...and for the ending all of us sing a song...STAR....bt look like me solo nia...paiseh ler...soli ya...for the other member....sure all say tat me qiang jing tou...haiz...really dun mean....and the soprano de....nt in my expectation...bt really first time...of cz happy lur...hehe...^^

lastly....for the committee ner....really xin ku u all liao la....jiayou for the next camp ba....u all hv done a very gud job dy...so dun so sad....be happy coz 1st camp so cheng gong lur....haha*


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