~~love is patience, love is trust each other, love is accept he/she bad site~~

this is what i get from my friend yesterday~

and today when i go read one of my friend's blog~

I realize what is LOVE~

love is something that come naturally and u won't know it until u will miss him/her everyday when you not meet with him~ everyminute waiting for his/her to sms you or reply you~ wanna talk more to him/her but always scold each other~ love is you want to draw attention of him/her~ will kinda hurt or sad if he/she does not pay attention to you~ but u will forgive him/her and forget what the bad things he done to you~ always ask about him/her~ when him/her get sick you will care him/her and do anything to get him/her recover~ love doesn't come out through mouth but the important thing~ HEART~

Love really hurts when u do so much to him/her but him/her just see you as a friend and although he treat you like that still u will sacrifice for him/her until there is another him/her together with them~ at last you will just hope that another him/her to have a nice memory with him/her~ you will accept his/her decision and bless their relationship~ Love him/her is the happiest thing in the world for you and in love not a word of regret or whose false will come out~

For friends still finding but all people can be your friend but not your love one~

i really thank a lot to GOD for giving us the feeling of love and for HIS everything~

~may god bless all of us~

love ya~muakss~


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