sweet test test......

14/07/2008-17/07/2007, MON-THURS

tis week ar...is test week ler....the whole week read n read n read.....bt the test...i mean some...is very very hard de lol....juz like phy, bio, che....n so on....one thing really HAPPY is the whole week no afternoon class lor....hahaha....so good...really dun feel wan hv afternoon class le...hehe...bt tat is IMPOSSIBLE lol....

everyday back home....then get ready wf the book tat i wan read n put it beside my bed...then bath....eat....finally take a nap....coz wan 开夜车....wakaka....wake up...read some....then watch 2 hour tv....go read again...some lazy read...then go sleep....next morning read lor....

tis kind of life gt its good n bad....
GOOD is gt study...knw wat teacher r teach....n catch up for the chapter tat miss up...
BAD is i'm juz like a NERD....everyday....back home is BOOK...

anyway...we need to study...keep learning....dun ever STOP!!!
bt never ever be a NERDDDDD~~
remember tat...hahahaxxxx.....


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