15/6/2008, SUNDAY

Today when i wake up i juz go in bathroom n brush my teeth....then hear my mom open the radio so listen lor....the DJ say so many funny thing n i juz like crazy ppl on bathroom....brush my teeth n smile....then a word tat catch my attention.....he say tat i wanna wish all the father in tis world a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!

I reali dun knw tat today is father's day.....haha....anyway i still wanna wish tat my father tat now not in MY a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY.....hope tat he can get my wish lor.....i think he oso dun knw wat day is today le....coz he dun reali k bout tis de....oso bcome old liao....ingatan oso not good.....hehe...me so bad...talk like tat....choi choi choi......my father still young neh....n oso a nice guy....caring.....DAD I LOVE YOU!!!!

Herm.....today juz on9 lor...from morning til afternoon....haiz....it was juz so bored.....doing nothing.....oso no ppl chat de...although got many ppl on.....then my mom go PASAR wf my little sisi....then leave me n my little bro at home.....two of us juz....walk here n there...doing nothing...haha....it sound crazy lor.....then my bro wan take photo wf webcam.....he wan to play....then i say let take photo together lol.....we reali hv so much fun de...but onli tis tat is nice...hehe....got me n bro de....n juz me lor....haha.....^^


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