
Showing posts from November, 2011


After the announce for the selection of robocon team members, i was a little not sure with it. They told me i'm in it. Blahh. That's a mixed one. everything is messy and i know i need to arrange with it. C'mon why do i have to make things complicated? where i'm not supposed to~.~' *ignore me* And now i need to take up the responsibility of the indirectly promise made. As you know promises are meant to be kept. That's my rule, my law...cause i'd met with lots of people who loves to make promise but then the result always come out with only zero. Imma take the challenge peeps! Imma expose to new knowledge, a very one. :) try me~

Just Wanna Post

Seriously it's time to...... wake up STACY!


Here comes the opening for the day. Captured of pink rose:) to stable back my distracted feeling. okay that's lame hahaha. Anyway it's a very warm morning here in  Johor and woke up quite early to welcome the holiday. #it'ssultanbirthdayso. Obvious it's not because of Malaysia won the football final match against Indonesia yesterday. But i was really excited while watching the football match and finally they get to snatch the gold from Indonesia. The best memory of SEA games 2011! Be blossom. Hope that everyone enjoy their day and gonna go and do some laundry before go for outing cause i'm in need of refill bucks of my food supply or imma death of starving! Bai^^

Memorable November.

 I hide. we snapped. we smile. I rocks. I geez. I played. I dressed. I drank. I shopped. We ruled. We cool. We tracked. I curled. I shoot. I compete. We awesome. We cherished. I ate. We outing. Lastly, I'm happy. p/s: i did everything except- study.