
Showing posts from 2011

A no mood day.

Totally not in the mood and it just so sudden that i cant control:( end up thrown out real bad attitude to others. I know i shouldn't but sometimes when words already come out without process through the brain, basically it's a "sorry no cure" *labelled as **** HATE IT so much:/ don't feel good again. no mood to eat.

Before to bed

It's been a very tough day with all my time spent on dealing with the robots and stuck in lab for nearly whole day while final is coming so soon that i havent study yet(how the hell am i going to sit for it!). Got few task to accomplish and i was so confuse to start from where:( #guess all my post emo with all saddy face. i want to say christmas was nothing at all to me this year. Not celebrating with family nor relatives and friends but LAB wth.D: I don't feel good with it. Anyway now waiting for the new year. Welcome it in a waY??? not sure how will it goes pffftt. plan to sleep early tonight and awesomely my electronic task not yet done! beware stacy.@.@ argghh i wish to not remember all the shitty thing. please get away from my head. Having too much thought this few days and it was such a distraction. I need to focus, concentrate....everyday laugh till so high, talk till so loud, having come the question, am i really happy?! #ignoreignoreignore since limit

Christmas eve.

It would be the second time to miss celebrating christmas eve with family but this time the feeling was awfulll compared to last year:(( feel so leftout from them..aihh...IMISSMYFAMILYIMISSHOMEMISSMIRI..i just want to beb back home..Depressed with all the things surround me and to those who not kept their promise. sad case. sorry no cure kbai. here's a touching video to shoo the sadness away. ignoremyrandomness. thankyou.

Burning midnight oil.

everybody preparing for tomorrow. circuit theory test 2. seems like deathnote to me. so i need to get ready with my grave huh?! holysheatt. i don't want to. God u know how hard i've been trying to catch up for everything but how come i lost the whole way down to the road you showed me. Stacy, where's your faith? i hope the paper be kind to me tomorrow. i need to do well for this paper else imma be deadmeat. i cant fit in any notes that i studied! help me please, i beg. D: countdown 7hours left to study. what a short night and gonna be sleepless. Stacy, you can do it!*shout out loud deep in my heart* go go go go~ wish the best luck la! +ve source +ve source

A little note.

It's not my luck again for this time. I just feel bad and so sorry to my mum the most. I've been tried hard to make myself seeing things in the positive perspective, but now I'm not sure whether i can continue with it or not. Or i should say i need to force myself ! I lost myself. somewhere..fml..

imperfect makes perfect

yea this week things keep on going on and on. loving in this week as i can finally outing. but tonight cant really finish the stuff in time and how on earth am i suppose to explain. arrrhhh:( dislike. i'm not hardworking enough i guess~ i shouldn't be like that. but if everything go smoothly then life's dull what! so finger crossed! XX


feels awkward. why? cse you're weird. wayy weirdyy than expected. deactivate mode on. fine bye.

Rain will stop.

I felt the most downhill of my life in Uni at the very end of November where you fell off from the mountain, stumble down by the stone that you accidently step on it and just struggling with the wound..feeling so helpless. You can't find someone that can spend a little time to talk with, share out everything and will willing to motivate or just lecture you. The more you keep in your heart, you will get mad of it. You will feel that the tears are rolling at the corner of your eyes and it will suddenly fall down although you have try hard to go against the gravity. Like what people always say no one is an island, i found out family would be the best one to talk with. My supersister the best companion and help me a lot going through the harsh night. It was really tough. I wasn't strong enough as what you see me. Mentally destructive. I cant help but to just cried. Express all out in one go. At least i feel better after talk to her. It helps. I feel the motivation and proceed to st


After the announce for the selection of robocon team members, i was a little not sure with it. They told me i'm in it. Blahh. That's a mixed one. everything is messy and i know i need to arrange with it. C'mon why do i have to make things complicated? where i'm not supposed to~.~' *ignore me* And now i need to take up the responsibility of the indirectly promise made. As you know promises are meant to be kept. That's my rule, my law...cause i'd met with lots of people who loves to make promise but then the result always come out with only zero. Imma take the challenge peeps! Imma expose to new knowledge, a very one. :) try me~

Just Wanna Post

Seriously it's time to...... wake up STACY!


Here comes the opening for the day. Captured of pink rose:) to stable back my distracted feeling. okay that's lame hahaha. Anyway it's a very warm morning here in  Johor and woke up quite early to welcome the holiday. #it'ssultanbirthdayso. Obvious it's not because of Malaysia won the football final match against Indonesia yesterday. But i was really excited while watching the football match and finally they get to snatch the gold from Indonesia. The best memory of SEA games 2011! Be blossom. Hope that everyone enjoy their day and gonna go and do some laundry before go for outing cause i'm in need of refill bucks of my food supply or imma death of starving! Bai^^

Memorable November.

 I hide. we snapped. we smile. I rocks. I geez. I played. I dressed. I drank. I shopped. We ruled. We cool. We tracked. I curled. I shoot. I compete. We awesome. We cherished. I ate. We outing. Lastly, I'm happy. p/s: i did everything except- study.


it's been a decade and i think i should at least leave some words here about new fcking new life. currently cant online where the so called hightech uni don't even have a strong wifi and keep on saying they are putting an effort to get it fine lazy to argue with that. anyway it's not the bad all the way i've been here. havin mostly my seniors are dudes and got 4 direct seniors*all girls* all mine hahahha:D frankly not looking forward. wht am i nonsense all the way up here. ignore my do not organize sentences. i just need a place where i can express "SHOUT OUT LOUD TO THE WORLD". obviously i miss my home :'( and their midsem hols was helly short and only can back home next Jan for CNY. lol. the pricey air ticket was frust me off . arghh.darn it. calm down stacy. okay. ignore this post. kthxbai. still dont wanna leave hahaha..having programming now and dont pay even a little attention to the lecturer. guess i must die from suffocate struggle wi

A story about us.

After such a long time promising myself make a video of F3T13, finally it comes out perfectly. Aint as good as what i expected but i really pull my hair while making this video whereby obstacles keep on popping out and i get frustrated. So here's the final. LOVE it and dont leave it. X) shine the light on herr.

Painting my nail.

I'm back. LOL with nothing. just trying to show what i had done during this holidays:)) coloured my nailll as a part of entertainment~ for a noob like me..need so much patient to complete this nail arttt. now i'm so proud if myselff haha same type diff color. OK.just leave it. X)

Their Wedding. 22June2011

Went to wedding of both are currently working as a doctor. Vincent&Rita. Happy newly wed:) haha       I'm just too lazy to type the word. So lets just interpret it with your eyes by seeing the picture :p   That's all i guess.  Love it or leave it. :)

Perodua Lagi Best:) myvi's brother

Finally, the myvi's brother is out! LOok good! nicer and better shape than the previous myvi. The combinations of viva and myvi, it makes the car even more standard. The price is also valuable. #RM43000-RM57000# but now only available with three color that is pearl white, metallic black, silver. I would like the purple. Anyway it will be coming soon starting on August!!! :) How was it? My model promoting the car! #HAHA Open the bonnet. The engine. Yea the really noob shoot of me. the bonnet cap didnt close Its side view. The back. This one got navigation and for sure more expensive than the previous. #inside # another close up for the auto. The passenger door.  #if you would like to bang the door also it will close soundly# prefer the blackie^^ Cool shape and curve!!!! Back view of blackie which come with full accessories #the spoiler quite nice. saddy cant view it# Just for your reference. Love it or leave it X)