
Showing posts from May, 2009
yeah!!!! tml is the last day!!!! jiayoust~ gambade!!!! Aza!!!! fighting....
agn i will my bio.... not onli bio...i think .... it bio tat hard ma.... arghhh.....
omg!!!!!! gonna suffer for two weeks.... start from tomorrow!!!! sem 1 ar...... cham liao la....haizzz... now stil on9..... nt study le..... faillllllll is just in front of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some pichie of picnic...=.=


Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday!!!

First of all i'm here wanna wish all the mothers in this world a happy mother's day!!!! long time dun update dy and this gonna be my first post in may... haha... nowadays children are not good in express their feelings to their mum...they thought that mum cant really understand or considerate them...and so am i!!! Like everyone does...we will look for a frens to 'shout out' our feelings... actually mum is the best frens of us...they wont tell us to do the wrong thing... they hope that we will listen to them... respect them... grow us with full of love that nobody can do... i'm really feel sorry to my mum for what i've done to her that hurt her feeling or's really hard for me to say it out so i'll choose to write it eu forever mum!!!! muaksss~ and next week is my mum that day gonna start my semester exam dy....anyway hope mum will happy and healthy forever ^^