
Showing posts from January, 2009
i know it will be the same again.... sigh*  i should not made this kind of decision.... better not again..... useless thing.... hate it.....:(
this last few days don't know what happen to me again... no mood everyday... go school also less talk to my friends... when see them also force myself to smile... or just pass them... seem that something is going wrong in me... this year i hope i won't be like this again but it come again... so how... haiz... January... damn busy with school stuff and also for the Chinese New Year preparation.... everyday can't finish my homework then that chemistry report... just copy from my friends... i really hate to copy... people know how to do but why i can't... chemistry is so hard.... hate it but can't drop it... no choice~ Today is my sister birthday... happy birthday to her!!! nothing much in celebrating just buy cake... lol... Chinese New Year is coming~ wish everyone a Happy cow Year!!!!  moo... moo...haha^^ take k n stay happy!!!

daddy back!!!

After one year finally my father back ler...haha...yesterday i just simply wear my uniform to airport to 'jie ji'....cause back from school mar....he arive at about 3pm gua...anyway very happy see him back liao la...long time no see...luckily he not that fat...just the perut got a bit bigger than before home then see wat he bring back for us many many chocolate it...especially FERRERO ROCHER...very big pack~ also his laptop leh...hmm...that branded la...not even ACER...just simply buy second hand de TAIWAN laptop but very cheap ner..jz bout 600++ gua...not sure la...anyway that laptop not bad la...function like other laptop~ at last he give my mom special gift...guess...a nice necklace and a PC is ji gao xin yi xia de also bring some sea cumcumber from many you kou fu got buy some shirt there too...nice it so muchy....all from brisbane, australia!!!! And Today fang xu

Weekdays end

So fast the first week of school in o9 end already and tomorrow will be the weekend but don't know what should i say out. Hurray?!  It could be suitable to say "study for my BM and my SJ" and "clean up my room"!!! OMG... so much to do but just got two days. Form 5 life is really really different from the form 3 life. Although form 3 we got PMR but it doesn't same with form 5. All the teacher teach damn fast just like a rocket! So everyday of course will have homework and really need to do revision. If not then u will slow than other students and don't ever think u can catch them in just a few days. For form 5 every second  is important, you just cant waste your time to talk with friends when teacher is teaching. Need to concentrate for all the time~ the whole week busy with school stuff and no time to online~ actually that is good cause computer hurts human eyes!! Haha...anyway jiayoust ba~

First day of school for 2009

Today arrive school a bit late and guess what, my school have a terrible traffic jam because first day so the new students parent will come and see which class is their son or daughter and then send them to their class. This is what they will do every year. But this year feel like more new students if i not wrong after seen the traffic jam today. Step in my class, first impression is crowded, damn busy, and i cant find a place that my friend suppose to book for me. She betrayed me and sit with other people [i am just kidding] cause i wont be so small gas. Then i have to sit which a guy that i do not know his name, seriously!!! I have no choices but to put my bag there first. Then straight away go to hall to take blazer but i already have so i go there just sit and talk. Tomorrow have to start the full duty already. A bit nervous because it's been a long time no duty. Then when back to class luckily i got a chance to change my place and finally i sit with a girl that i know instead

.....second day of 2009....

yesterday b4 go sleep sleep....c my hp cz wan off who knw....thr is hv to go to skul ler...for the spbt when arive little me so 'clever' n so 'hardworking'....tat y decide go ppl anyway ...long time dun do tis kind of work dy....since my primary bt soso lame lame after do tat n tis...jiu back liao la...then realize today already friday ner....then is reopened soon...nt soon bt in 2 more hv to start add oil on my study lur...haiz....=.=


first day of 2009~ everybody welcome it wf a happy duno why....yesterday when i start to countdown....start wf....10...9...8...7....6...5....suddenly i stop n jz dun wan to count it time stil move till....5....4....3....2....1....n i hear so many sound outside....ppl playing fire cracker....owh....everyone jz so so happy to say out HAPPY NEW am i act like happy...nt tat i dun happy....i happy....jz tat i feel so nervous for the coming of tis year....seem so scary...i jz stil cant believe nw dy 2009.....agn i bcome old....form 5....last year in skul...b4 end of secondary life....facing my ren shen de SPM.....OMG....i really hope i can get gud result...sure wan to do better than my damn hard nw de ben...haiz....anyway beside study hard...of course i wil pray....hope tat god can bless me all the way for tis matter wat...muz jiayou....okies....nw i wish all my fren n relatives...and to the whole world....happy 牛 ye