
Showing posts from September, 2008


26/09/2008, FRIDAY oh my blog.....outdate ler~~ so nw trying to update buzzz nth to rite bout..... think*think* yaya..... wan semester liao so muz study lur n for my hard lur....the last test for our form 4~~yeah~~bt really nervous....soso tis year 'walk' so fast~~ then>>> selamat hari raya....duh......lame lame lame.... tat all i think...really nth tat worth to rite...hehe... anyway everybody take k dun study to much relax urself.... later back to skul dun b a bookworm lur~~kaka~~ before i forget....let c some funny thg do wf my fren.... ~为什么每个人那么 bia书? 因为他们 gia shu。[设问] ~为什么我不 bia书呢?[反问] ~街上的人群犹如热锅上的蚂蚁, 来来往往,川流不息。[比喻]---状况外---哈哈 ~我不 bia 书! 我不 bia 书![反复] ~你要 bia 书,bia 书才变读书仔。[顶真] ~我不 bia 书, 书不 bia 我!?[回文] ~书就像 internet 一样, 那么多字, 喜欢上网, 就要喜欢 bia书。[比拟] ~我 bia 书会变‘椰子头’。[暗喻] ~小心椰子头太重, 身体不 balance , 用头走路。[夸张] ~bia 书会让你是发变 kiu 发, 所以用 sunsilk 都没用。[夸张] ~为什么突然之间你的头发那样 kiu?一定是太多 bia书啦![设问] ~bia 书,bia 书, 不用把书弄不见![反复] ~把书弄不见?叫 superman 帮你找咯![设问] ~为什么叫 superman?叫 bat


13/09/2008, SATURDAY Hmm... wondering how am i going to start, actually i got nothing to write..... just because today is damn bored..... really nothing to do with.... morning just go eat breakfast with family... then back.... but don't know why so hardworking.... get all the housework done... haha.... kinda funny..... after that, go shopping.... walk here and there..... suddenly remember that teacher's birthday is on monday.... quickly go find some gift for teacher..... quite a long time while choosing the gift.... anyway finally found one.... i think that the present is so nice.... hope that teacher will like it cause take a long long time on choosing.... hehe.... back home and start doing with the stuff.... how to decorate the box or...... many many more..... really put a lot of effort..... really happy with my creativity.... huhu.... really high..... also got the clothes for tuesday already.... first time trying with it..... when put it on..... just one word to describe...


yesterday when i stil play com at home~nite~mom gt phone from my bro say he gt accident uncle new car penyek liao lur he say so....and that shit ppl wan RM1500 for his old hond.....when i hear it i so 'HOT' ask whr is the place bt my bro dunno hw to tell me the place ler...luckily i remember sl father do mekanik so ask them help lur~~really thx a lot to sl lor....thx thx thx....they arrive thr 1st and when we arrive they settle it oled n go back liao lur.....tat car i wil remember de....*******....kononnya~jz a little bit jiu call ppl come n c....jz like wat..... Back then 训 my bro lur....really angry wf him de~coz he owes drive so fast pro de ppl wor...then my mum oso scold him la....tat car so new eh....nt our car lagi itu....hw to 交待 hope he can 反省.....coz thg oled happen....cannot do anything le.....bout the stil wondering wan claim insuran o repair on our own ler~~~bt i think she wil claim insuran la....coz one of my very close


Finally, finish the UB4 test. The whole week really stressful. Must study and cannot online. Suffer suffer suffer......but now all are finish already. Yesterday is the last day of test. Got bio,mm n che......hard hard hard...... Biology---damn hard, all are not in our reference book indeed i think all are not our syllabus, especially the experiment, walao eh......i dun even understand it so how i can do it. I just put it there and all are kosong kosong....... MM---this subject is just so cute, even i always not listening to the teacher but when i do revision i found that it was just that easy, luckily i know the basic---mm---but add m3 is damn hard too.....when doing the mm, from the whole test paper, it was the easiest and no problem....i think.....~^ Chemistry---for chemist, actually if u got read that chapter and know the equation, overall it's easy...i mean not that hard. But i don't read it so i'm not expecting to get good mark. The only hope is pass then it's okey

~a fish day~

01/09/08, MONDAY today is just so fish~ all ppl so kns~~ soso disturb me....y today....nt yesterday..... test week leh~~ jz so monkey ar~~argghhh!!!!!  $%#@&*@~~~~~~~ giraffe!!!!!!! b***** tengok bagus bagus wat i rite!!!!! i'm nt s*****......i oso gt brain de ar~~ get on my nerve...... be careful...... First day oled like tis....