
Showing posts from June, 2008

Sweet SIBU~~

26/06/2008, THURSDAY Yea~jz come back to miri yesterday~after the trip of three days two nite in sibu~at PARAMOUNT HOTEL~佰乐门大酒店~n oso bring back the CS champion trophy~n best conductor by NG KING HUA~hermm~oso dunno y he can get it de~haha~~ On 23/06/2008, we went to skull n bertolak to sibu at 6.30am~nt very sure~hehe~coz busy talk talk talk~then on bus we juz took pic here n there~o eat n eat n eat~after bout 7- 8 hours we arrived sibu~afternoon~then go hv our lunch at terminal bus~juz after arrived terminal~meet some weird de ppl~aiyer~make us so scare of sibu lol~then go eat~bt i dun hv the appetite le~so juz hv some 红豆冰~so nice le~hehe~juz RM 1.50~their cendol oso nice de~cost RM2.50~but the 料 very banyak de~haha~then we go to hotel~in bus the weird de po po come again n wan us buy her 烧卖~reali kong bu de~after arrive hotel~teacher check in~n my group is on the 4th floor~405~we got two group in one room~so got 10 ppl in a room~damn many de~juz gt 1 bathroom~cannot bath lama lama l

sWeEt Bla~ Bla~

20/06/2008, FRIDAY Bla~Bla~Bla~yesterday i go bus stop n wait for bus.....tat AIRPORT bus ***** dun come wor.....luckily i saw my fren....she is in another bus....haizzzz....then i need to take two trip de bus lor....then arrived skull at 6.50 neh....i think so....but i jz knw tat is getting late le....when i step in the skull gate.....the song oled for roll callllll....then walk faster faster faster.....i dun put my bag in class....not so heavy...but so soi de bo... THEY talk so much de shoulder wan broke le....aduh.....tis is first experience la.....anyway yesterday really soi soi soi...... CS practice lor....start from 8 till 5 bt i go back at 4.30 le....coz i need to catch the bus again....if not like yesterday lor....finish CS at 5 something....then wait bus but so long still no bus de my uncle come take me today muz go out early de lor.....wait 4 da noon we start practice at 1.....n th


me n little sisi it's me.... Tis is the 1st pic lor..... juz me.... my bro is juz so cute..... Aged photo...hehe...^^ he wan to eat the orang utan...wawa....


15/6/2008, SUNDAY Today when i wake up i juz go in bathroom n brush my teeth....then hear my mom open the radio so listen lor....the DJ say so many funny thing n i juz like crazy ppl on bathroom....brush my teeth n smile....then a word tat catch my attention.....he say tat i wanna wish all the father in tis world a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!! I reali dun knw tat today is father's day.....haha....anyway i still wanna wish tat my father tat now not in MY a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY.....hope tat he can get my wish lor.....i think he oso dun knw wat day is today le....coz he dun reali k bout tis de....oso bcome old liao....ingatan oso not so like tat....choi choi father still young neh....n oso a nice guy....caring.....DAD I LOVE YOU!!!! juz on9 lor...from morning til was juz so bored.....doing nothing.....oso no ppl chat de...although got many ppl on.....then my mom go PASAR wf my little sisi....then leav


12/6/2008, THURSDAY i dun go skull le....coz today is our skull teacher's day lol....hehe....xtuali not me dun wan go...i dun go coz my class not having party le....if go only go for assembly de...muz b very boring de....but got give teacher some gift lol....haha...^^....hope teacher like it today i go take my BIASISWA de money lor... RM300 leh...then go bank in RM500 for my sis in LABUAN many lol....wakaka....after that go fish market fishy fishy.....fresh fresh de neh....n then walk around PASAR....haha...doing nothing....hmmmm.....then go eat at SUGARBUN wait my mom de frend come n shop again.....wah....then rain hv to use mafan lor....then shop here n there again.....bla~~......until 6 then come back....haha....really PENAT .....but fun lol....when back home sms my frend ask how was the competition for choir de lor....then got knw tat they got 3rd place....hehe....not bad le....^^...rather than no PLACE ...

sweet start.....~~

6/9/2008, MONDAY Yea!!! Today start school already, happy....but also very scare...because teacher will give back the test paper....don't know how my result.....but when i got the paper...haizzzzzz....all are very bad....indeed...coz i dun study hou hui oso cannot go back le....really bad bad bad result....all my frenxxx their result are good de...juz me so bad de wor....sad sad ler....i dun think i'm good in study le....but now muz study de....if not no work to small small de gaji lol....haha....although i'm in form 4 oled....still dunno wat is my ambition de dream...i think at the end...i will live wf BAD le....still can do wat....NOTHING de lor....haiyO....y this life is juz so mafan de.....i dun even good in one thing....juz good in scold ppl....lor.... Today our skull brassband will go to KUCHING for morning got do presentation...but not very good....i believe tat they will present the best

SwEeTs HoLiDaYSsS????

03/06/2008 , TUESDAY one week the holiday....arggghhh....i don't want this kind of holiday....just stay at home and doing nothing...haiz...gonna crazy...tat why i decide to blogging....because my blog is damn bored....i begin to realise life without school is suffer.....we should have our that we not become boring, lazy, watch television, and also become fat already.....cause at home i just eat, sleep, online....what a boring life....i need colourful life....i'm aries...a person who cannot withstand doing the same thing everyday.....i like do different thing more thing is when i online...because i want to find someone to chat with...but there is no one....i think it is my problem....actually....people holiday is to study....or tuition...but me just online....after having internet....i must online....this is just a bad behaviour...indeed....but....OMG....i must change my always scold me....still..