
Showing posts from May, 2008

sweet test over le...XD

23/5/2008 FRIDAY wawa......finally test over le leh....i feel good..hahaxxx.....crazy man....reali stress when test....when it is semester lagi....apu....the thing tat wanna study can even guai guai de store in my need talk le....will b bad bad.....many will fail....i think....coz da test reali hard de lor.....n wf my lauzy brain.....hehehexxx....haiyo....yesterday...thursday.....test over le...then come back i juz wash my shoe....OMG....tomolo still got class brain reali damage gua.....lazy go skull le....after test....hahaxxxx.....then my mom......laugh me lor....tat y today wear my sisi de shoe....damn big size....hehexxx.....but go nothing de....juz sit n talk......hahaxxx....start talk.....n talk.....until the last period......hou hui go muz go de....coz afternoon still got physic tuition n choral speaking mafan....n so busy le.....tis holiday oso....muz go skull.....oso for tuition n

Sweeeeettt test????

15/5/2008 THURSDAY wah, reali long time dun rite in blog liao lor....haha...coz very busy de....having my semester test....haiyO....test....very bad la....dunno how to do de...juz like today de chemistry....apu....dun understand de question even.....haiz....think tat my result will b bad bad le....tis form 4 de 恶梦 .....mesti my mum scold me de....but very happy lor....coz tomolo juz test math...haha....awal-awal jiu ke yi balik le....but still next week got test....boi phy addm3 pm....muz study hard hard many day off....muahaha....sat sun n mon.....mon is public holiday...wesak day....hehe....^^jia you ba....~~good luck....gambateh....

Sweet is over!!!

6/5/2008, TUESDAY Finally i knw tat it got another star wf it.... althought it hurt....but at least.... it make me more peace.... no need to think of it..... REALLY feel better.... go to go on my strong de STACY..... haha....gambateh....i knw i can lol.... study hard....coz test is coming le.... semester 1....^^


4/5/2008 , SUNDAY 'star' 'they' r high up the sky look like 'they' r so near but xtuali... 'they' r so far from me.... reali far.....deep in the heart... although i c 'them' everyday.... but still....reali far.... i juz hope 'they' r close to me.... it's reali tired.... play game wf these 'star'.... as 'they' dun knw me r chasing 'them' b near... n finally i b out of tis game.... as tis game make me suffer.... everytime, everyday, everyminute, everyhour.... i dun wan to chase the 'star' oled.... dun wan to c 'them' dun wan to b close wf 'them' hope tat 'they' go on wf 'their' choice.... n leave me alone.... then i will b more peace....~~

Sweet Picnic PiC^^

The sun so bright wor.... name....nice leh... so hot la...muz got umbrella... tis pic de me n sis reali look like the same again wf my sisi's me...haha... peace...hehe... the beach!!! me n my sisi...small de.... my mom's peng you de daughter at the back haiyo...again.... sisi wf spec wah...pretty gal...

Sweet Labour Day Picnic^^

1/5/2008, THURSDAY Today is labour day. But stil need go to skull choral speaking n physics start at 8 am....dunno go where de....but at last i decide go tuition lol....hehe....coz wanna semester liao....muz attend de....if not catch bu dao le....then phy tuition end at 11pm....then go out faster coz my sis phone me....tell me that they come jie wo le...muahaha... coz got picnic ma...reali excited de....but when i go out...they dun come yet....then i c my phone got 4 missed call....then i c dui mian n they come qiao de...but gtg buy some chickenwing n drink lol....haha....when arrive food oled barbeque hao le....juz wait to eat....reali hungry eat so much.....haiyo....coz reali nice nice it very much lor....after that rest for a while n do my add m3 hardworking la....jia jia yi de....haha....coz not one question is solve.....then play wf my aunt de cam...take many pic wf my sissis....n oso p