Recap 2016
Hye my beloved blog, Here comes the time every each of us would do at the end of December, summarizing what happened for the past 364 days. Reflect on ourselves what we has successfully achieved as set for the year before and probably keeping/bringing over the same resolution for the coming year 2017. I would do mine too here because i found that this existence of this blog makes me feels funny and found how age has changed myself. Although i did not update much here, i would come back for this blog. There are certainly times where i felt this blog is too childish and wanted to vanish it, I am thankful I did not. I will keep it to many years to come. 2016 It was a roller coaster ride for myself and family. This year started with a sudden death of my aunty. I never thought she being committed to ICU, is a very serious thing. The last time i met her in person, I could not even recall when was it. I was left regretted. Family is very important. Meet them whenever you could. ...