
Showing posts from June, 2010

3 more weeks before UPS!!!!

need to jiayou le!!!! ;)) i'm coming soon miri!!! haha :DD

My Life

Homesick!!!!! >.< I just want to  back now!!! Feel helpless here at KML...Life's isn't easy here!!!! T____T It's been so long since the last time i update my  so irresponsible de land owner ar....see my blog already bersemak-samun haha :DD UPDATE!!!! i want to watch world cup!!!! Their glass really so so nice!!!! Missed everything about Miri...the most is family la!!!! :( I'm so happy that i can online and update something here!!! here really kinda outdate jor...dislikesssssssssssss  Going to have UPS very soon and still searching for reference book~ hard hard hard...