for tis year chinese new year...get my wall painted!!! me n mom worked!!! successfully DONE!!! haha fu go everybody housy~~ it's a nian gao~ CNY must eat wor~sweet
too bored already so try to camwhoring hahha my cousin give me this 'LadyBird' flip-flop...from Johor..haha..wish to have it so long here still so expensive..=)) anyway tonnes of thx to my cousin yea :DDD haa...crazy..XD
Damn tired le my house painted..on MY OWN!!!!! actually start in the morning with juz the 2 tiang gate bt then go buy agn the painting stuff to get one wall that is really look so's btw wall with my neighbour lo...a bit dirty so thinking to get it a new look for new year... mum start with the first tiang...then the 2nd cnt cz hv to get it 'renovate' hoho...then baru can put on the colour...tiang we gv it a COFFEE MILK look...huhuhu~~ then mum go do her hair for CNY le...left me to finish tat one big wall!!!! woshhh....although gt a bit experience bt tat wall really a challenge for me neh..erm so get ready with my 'wu3 qi4' then GO GO GO~~~ ale ale ale~~~ up down up down...tired man!!!!! first layer finish!!! bt the weather turn to be sad...mayb bcz of my hardworking...hahha..*think too much* anyway it stop my work...apu...luckily nt being 'sad' too long kakaka:D so start with the 2nd layer~~ AGN!!!!! finally they ar...